Monday 8 November 2010

P6: Social Impact through ict

Our modern society has changed due to technological advances he Internet has subtly has been established in most businesses and at home. Emailing was a substantial even as this allowed businesses to communicate virtually. People further establish their thoughts through video conferencing in businesses and applications such as ‘skype’ are seen to be beneficial because people are more comfortable in their homes where they will be connected to the people they work with, the results may also be better as people will express their full views. Video conferencing and emailing saves time and money which is also beneficial to businesses.

People can call others in different countries which is cheaper and less of a hassle. People who cannot make it to work will be able to connect to their colleagues and will earn money whilst ill, and be able to work in a nice environment which may also have better results. There are problems to video conferencing as there may be faults and glitches which will interfere with meetings and may waste time and possibly money if thoughts are not being heard.

Most children have had an impact from ICT as they may be aware of the dangers of the ‘world wide web’. Children also appreciate how the internet can be helpful for homework uses or other interests. Most children are taught by teachers how to search the internet and use programs such as word and PowerPoint that will help them with studies. May children also have an understanding of the dangers of the internet and how they can be harmed from meeting strangers that seem to be nice and appealing to certain age groups.

Mobile phones are seen to be a necessity in modern society as we use them everyday and ‘text’ friends which both saves time and is easier for day to day plans. A problem associated with using mobile phones and the development of technologies is that people stop writing letters and reading which might be seen to reduce intelligence which is not good for future generations.

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