Tuesday 19 October 2010

Disadvantages and Advantages of blogs

A blog is a type of website where people write things about themselves. It stands for web blog. It is basically an online journal where people can also post pictures, videos and links as well as talk and communicate with others.

Disadvantages: There are many concerns which argue that weblogs are unsafe because of the risk that children may use them and meet dangerous paedophiles. Evaluating blog sites and checking whether it offers a safe , private password-protect blog.

Parents must warn their children never to offer any personal information to people they meet via blogs, and pictures they post should be looked over to make sure they are provocative. Blogs allow paedophiles to target children through the internet.

Also, people sometimes use blogs to target specific people and write anonymously about them, which is unneeded and makes a blog site seem negative, and just a place for slander.

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